Administrator Guide 2017
User roles explained


Every user has a username and a password enabling access to either the magic5 device software, the magic5 back-office portal, or both. This is sometimes referred to as a login.

Each user is allocated a role which determines what menus and options they will have access to.

The same username and password is used on device and back-office portal, where appropriate.

A username, especially for a customer-type role, may be associated with a particular customer and/or location.There are three basic types of user that are able to access magic5. Your system may have other roles built around this model, but the three basic types are used here to broadly illustrate how the system works.

Please note that additional roles can only be set up by the magic5 support team.


Administrators are able to login to the web site component of magic5. They are able to set up forms (templates), customers, users and so on. They are able to view and modify completed forms, and release them to customers. They are able to create and allocate jobs for mobile users.

Administrators are able to complete forms on a device, but usually this will not be part of their day-to-day job.

Under the broad heading of “administrators” division may be made between different roles. For instance Job Dispatch; Supervisor; Invoicing; Accounts; Regional Admin and Contracts Manager. These roles are likely to be useful for refining access to menus and options on the web site.


Customers are able to login to the web site component of magic5. They are able to view forms completed and released to them. These forms will only be ones to which they have access (usually they will be forms completed for one or more locations/sites to which they have access).

In general they won’t be able to modify any completed forms, but some systems may allow them access to supply order numbers or to complete follow up actions.

Under the broad heading of “customers” division may be made between different roles. For instance, Supplier; Client; Agent. These roles are likely to be useful for refining access to menus and options on the web site.


Users are primarily set up on the system to allow completion of forms on mobile devices. They are usually mobile workers who use a mobile device to complete some or all of their “paperwork”. A user in these terms will typically be an engineer, an auditor, an operative, a driver or similar.

Users may complete jobs sent to them by the office (through their “Work List”) and/or they may initiate and complete forms themselves in an ad hoc fashion.

In some situations users will also have access to the web site component of magic5 in order to allow them to edit and refine forms they have partially completed on the mobile device or to view forms that they have completed.

In other situations the end users will not have access to the magic5 web site – their only experience of the system will be through the device application.

Under the broad heading of “users” division may be made between different roles. For instance Operative; Team Leader; Auditor; Engineer; Lead Engineer. From a device application point of view these distinctions are likely to be unimportant but they could represent different levels of access to the web site component.

See Also